Weekly Maintenance on Servers. Some maitenance items are required for server roles.
Update_AppsViaWinget: Lets keep everything up to date. Even that Chrome you installed on the server for getting into that one thing.
LAPS: If its a member server or stand alone server, lets secure that Admin password
EnableFirewall: Your tech turned it off while troubleshooting something, lets turn it back on.
Disk Cleanup [WIN]: Clear up some temp and cached files.
Disable_DormantLocalAccounts: Disable accounts that havent logged in for XX days.
PercCLI_CheckRaidHealth: Check health of drives using PercCLI.
Server Role Detection: Detect server roles so we can act on them below.
Exchange Servers
PruneExchangeLogs: Prune those w3svc logs to 6 months.
DNS Servers
Scavenge Stale Records: Get rid of Stale DNS records.
Disable_DormantADAccounts: Disable accounts that havent logged in for XX days.